Friday, July 15, 2011

Orange juice prices near two-year high
10 Animals With More Social Media Fans Than Major Media Outlets, no surprise there, I am fan of Boo and Beast, of course, hee hee.
How Human Beings Are Downgrading Life on Planet Earth
A Box Full of Offal, A Bag Full of Blood, love my Icelandic man. Have a great vacation in the west side, baby!
The iPhone I Can't Keep In My Pants
Top 10 Evil Sorcerers
Spotify Has Arrived Stateside: Here's What You Need To Know
What It Means To Be 'Always On' A Smartphone, still, I will remain smart phone free.
Twitter Provides A Trove Of Health Trends
Healthy Happy Meals? Low-Calorie Kids Food Coming Soon To Burger King, Cracker Barrel, Denny's How are fast food chains going to trick kid into ordering the healthier, "grosser" option?
idiot 1; idiot 2's rumored tablet could launch in October, report says; Amazon to Battle Apple iPad With Tablet
New law gives recognition to Native Hawaiians
Yellowstone ranger says respect, don't fear, bears
Victim of Yellowstone grizzly bear mauling was Torrance resident.. so sad.
Austrian Man Wins Right To Wear Pasta Strainer In License Photo, Aweeesome...
Why We Do Pushups
Going, Going, And Gone?: No, The Oxford Comma Is Safe ... For Now
Save A Tree, Teach Through The Cloud: South Korea Schools First To Go Paperless
The World Map of Useless Stereotypes, How's about the smug people in Bushwick?
Pets Give Us the Same Warm Fuzzies That Friends Do
China's New Parochialism
Sandwich Monday: Donut Ice Cream Sandwich
Ten Safe Social Networking Sites For Kids

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