Friday, June 28, 2024

North Carolina's restrictions on public mask-wearing are now law after some key revisions
Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states
Can Congress break our addiction to fast fashion?
Over 65, With No Place to Call Home
‘This is validation’: Phoenix homeless welcome Justice Department’s findings, call for consent decree
In Skid Row, a 19-story residential tower for homeless people will offer gym, cafe, art studio
US sends USS Wasp assault ship and Marines to eastern Mediterranean
Tesla pushes back on wrongful death suit from wife of employee killed in fiery crash
Tesla shareholders to vote whether Elon Musk deserves billions judge struck down
As LGBTQ+ Pride’s crescendo approaches, tensions over war in Gaza expose rifts
Walgreens to close up to a quarter of its roughly 8,600 U.S. stores
Some bars and eateries are banning 20-somethings. Can it become a widespread practice?
Here's what it's like to fly on the busiest travel day of the year (so far)
Summer Travel Is Booming. Why Are Airlines Doing So Badly?
Ken Paxton tried to shield allies from testifying. Now they may have no choice.
The FBI kept investigating Ken Paxton after he beat impeachment. Will he face federal charges?
How the criminal case against Texas AG Ken Paxton abruptly ended after nearly a decade of delays
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton cuts deal to have fraud charges dropped, trial canceled
Texas Senate acquits state Attorney General Ken Paxton in impeachment trial
Is Ken Paxton a crook or a patsy? That’s up to the Texas Senate to decide
In surprise move, House impeachment managers rest their case against suspended Texas AG Ken Paxton
Who are the Republicans supporting Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general facing impeachment?
Paxton impeachment trial begins in the Texas Senate
Embattled but defiant, suspended Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton enters impeachment trial today
Texas Sen. Angela Paxton barred from voting in husband's impeachment trial
Austin real estate developer at center of Paxton’s impeachment arrested pending federal charges
The Texas AG may be impeached by members of his own party. Here are the allegations
How did Japanese American incarceration shape the generations that followed?
Right-wing activists are targeting Black scholars, and the scholars are pushing back
Microdosing and tripping on mushrooms is on the rise in U.S.
Jury orders NFL to pay billions in 'Sunday Ticket' case for violating antitrust laws
The scandal roiling one of the nation's biggest megachurches, explained
In Lebanon, the 'Amber Man' digs up golden time capsules from the age of the dinosaurs
Health insurers cover fewer drugs and make them harder to get
From planets to black holes, we look at the oddities of space
日本華僑反對修例針對逃稅取消永久居民身份 批屬於歧視行為
小林製藥傷腎風波|死者5人變76人 厚生勞動省批未如實報告
結業潮|黃傑龍預告下月關閉牛角等4分店 籲行家勿過分死頂輸身家 「執笠並不光榮但不一定可恥」
內地食肆品牌南下攻港 肉肉大米漢堡扒落戶沙田 被稱為山寨版「挽肉と米」
世界競爭力排名:新加坡居首 香港升兩位至第5位
內地餐飲攻港水土不服 旺角現退租潮 「蘿蔔向南」開業4月就冇做
何超瓊:港澳競爭力只會更強 香港金融中心地位不會被淘汰
銅鑼灣舖位租金暴挫94% 賣名表變手機殻月租12.8萬
惠康3招應對北上消費內地競爭 供超值貨 加強採購 拓展O2O
香港首現「窮鬼經濟」 10元一碗粥回到過去?
香港零售|香港消費模式改變 首季街舖空置率6.6% 政府指助中小企共渡難關
財經|羅奇:香港經濟面臨三大挑戰 「昔日的香港已不是今天的香港,更不是明天的香港」
中國消費者延後消費 香港知名珠寶品牌被爆深圳廠停工停產
網民大呻餐飲業大量只收現金令人卻步 反建議如收現金可咁樣做會增加人流?
走塑|中佬研發紙飲管苦盡甘來 月產280萬支核爆式增長 遭網民諷「環保L」
Google 翻譯新增 110 種語言 包括廣東話 記者實測譯唔譯到俗語?
Parkland school shooter signs away rights to his name. Now, just one survivor owns it
The surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis. What does that do?
'I feel terrified': Inventor of 'Glock switch' technology says he regrets creation
No Apparent Motive in Arkansas Shooting, but the Reaction Is ‘So Personal’
Supermajority: The Covenant Moms
Shooting at grocery store in south Arkansas kills 2 and wounds 6 others, police say
Club Q shooter pleads guilty to 74 federal charges, sentenced to life in prison
1 person was killed and 24 injured in a mass shooting in Akron, Ohio
Six Flags Roaring Rapids ride malfunction leads guests to leap into the water, video shows
Supreme Court upsets $10-billion opioid settlement because it shields the Sacklers

Thursday, June 27, 2024

力排眾議放行藥驗肥佬中國泳手出戰奧運 美國「水神」菲比斯狠批WADA
Olympic champion swimmers tell Congress U.S. athletes have lost faith in anti-doping regulator
Gabrielle Rose won't swim in the Olympics. The 46-year-old wanted something bigger
At U.S. Olympic swim trials, Chinese doping and Australian stars loom over American speed
梁美芬關注海外居民「回流醫病」 政府指取消看病資格屬嚴重問題
政府無統計回流病人數字 取消持港身份證用公營醫療屬嚴重問題
NASA署長重提中美太空競賽 美太空人不認同
China has just returned the first-ever samples from the far side of the moon
NASA's chief is worried about China getting back to the moon first. Here's why
China launches Chang’e 6 lunar probe, revving up space race
China launches a new crew to its space station, advancing toward lunar mission
習近平稱中越應推進共建一帶一路 范明政指越南不受外界挑撥離間
苦主買日本樓零回報白交20萬費用 拆解注意事項
食環禁「無牌」舉辦同志市集 惟終院案例指公眾自由出入活動無須領牌 人權律師:政府做法或遭挑戰
政府突削性小眾撥款 同志組織被迫減人手、服務 斥打壓小眾社會服務

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

教育局促 3 校改善唱國歌 學生被指聲線細弱 中度智障學校安排學生看「中國英雄」
California governor defends progressive values, says they're an 'antidote' to populism on the right
A Palestinian was shot, beaten and tied to an Israeli army jeep. The army says he posed no threat
Israel's military is investigating an incident in which a Palestinian was strapped to a vehicle
Far-right Israeli minister sets out plan to prevent West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state
Israel to ‘strengthen’ Jewish settlements in West Bank after countries recognize Palestinian state
In the West Bank, Guns and a Locked Gate Signal a Town’s New Residents
We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop
FAQ: 5 things to know about weather forecasts and climate change
Panama prepares to evacuate first island in face of rising sea levels
Why some of Alaska's rivers are turning orange
Ocean water is rushing miles underneath the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ with potentially dire impacts on sea level rise
Thawing permafrost threatens Alaska's rural villages. And time is running out
Supreme Court allows White House to press social media companies to remove disinformation
Julian Assange is back in Australia a free man. Here’s what we know about his US plea deal
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange strikes plea deal with the U.S.
Julian Assange can appeal his extradition to the U.S., a British court has ruled
A U.K. court delays extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the U.S.
WikiLeaks founder Assange starts final legal battle to avoid extradition to U.S.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Russia is revising its nuclear doctrine, Kremlin says
World’s nuclear powers strengthening arsenals as geopolitical tensions grow, report finds
Nuclear powers are deepening their reliance on their nukes, a watchdog group says
1st transgender woman and Asian American wins Miss Maryland USA: 'Bigger than me'
US says China fears N.Korea crisis after Putin trip
China is watching warily as Putin and Kim forge new ‘alliance’
Putin threatens to arm North Korea if the West continues to supply weapons to Ukraine
Putin remarks about possible weapons for North Korea 'incredibly concerning,' US says
Concerns mount as Russia and North Korea commit to a mutual defense pact
Kim Jong Un and Putin sign mutual defense pact at North Korea summit
Russia and North Korea vow stronger partnership against the West with new treaty
Putin and Kim Jong Un will meet in North Korea, supporter of Russia's war in Ukraine
US sounds alarm over Chinese and North Korean support for Russia’s war in Ukraine
Russia President Vladimir Putin makes a rare visit to North Korea, an old ally
Exclusive-Ukraine examines N.Korean missile debris amid fears of Moscow-Pyongyang axis
Russia hits Ukraine's power grid with a 'massive' attack on a day marking the WWII defeat of Nazism
Blinded in battle, these Ukrainian soldiers will never see their new babies
A 98-year-old in Ukraine walked miles to safety from Russians, with slippers and a cane
Ukraine pulls U.S.-provided Abrams tanks from the front lines over drone threats
Blinken tells China it's in their interest to stop helping Russia
Ukraine uses long-range missiles secretly provided by US to hit Russian-held areas, officials say
Ukraine pressures military age men abroad by suspending their consular services
If Congress passes funding, this is how the US could rush weapons to Ukraine for its war with Russia
Ukraine ‘ran out of missiles’ to thwart Russian strike on power plant, Zelensky says
A mayor in Ukraine aids his town's few remaining people, as Russia closes in
A Visit to a Town Under Fire in Eastern Ukraine
Ukraine's Kharkiv moves classrooms underground so kids survive Russian attacks
Russia attacks Ukrainian electrical power facilities, causing widespread outages
Two years after start of Ukraine war, Russian titanium keeps flowing to West
At least 14 killed and dozens injured in Russian ‘double tap’ missile strike on Odesa
Exclusive: Russia producing three times more artillery shells than US and Europe for Ukraine
Pentagon to give Ukraine $300 million in weapons
US judge rejects Visa, Mastercard $30 billion swipe fee settlement
Progressives Urge Biden to Push Harder on ‘Greedflation’
The American shopping spree is losing steam
The Dow Jones hits 40,000 for the first time. What to know about this major milestone
Biden's big inflation problem: Prices are now up nearly 20% since he took office
Aldi drops prices on over 250 items this summer including meat, fruit and more. How much you can save
More Americans are falling behind on credit card bills
Why experts say inflation is relatively low but voters feel differently
The US economy showed signs of a 'wobble' in April
Price of eating out grows faster than price of buying groceries
Japanese hotel accused of canceling Israeli guest’s reservation because of ‘war crimes’
京都酒店取消以色列旅客訂房 指犯「戰爭罪」爆外交風波
Bankers who helped Putin's friend move millions via Swiss bank accounts lose appeal
'Very difficult': Florida opts out of federal grocery subsidy for 2 million low-income children
Biden administration extends protected status for up to 309,000 migrants from Haiti
'This is America?' Migrants keep arriving at the border, despite tougher asylum rules
Encounters at the U.S. border drop 9% in May, before asylum restrictions kicked in
Are Biden's immigration moves at odds? Homeland Security chief says they can coexist
Half a million immigrants could eventually get US citizenship under a sweeping new plan from Biden
Ecuador moves to restrict U.S.-bound Chinese migrants, many of whom cross border in California
Biden's plan will shield undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation
Biden set to announce sweeping action shielding undocumented spouses of US citizens from deportation
ACLU sues Biden administration over new executive action on the southern border
Venezuelan family traveled for 3 months, only to be denied asylum claim at the border
In attempting to curtail immigration, the U.S. looks for allies in Latin America
Blocked from asylum, many migrants juggle their choices: try to cross again or give up
Would President Biden’s asylum restrictions work? It’s a short-term fix, analysts say
Arizona GOP border security measure will be on November ballot after state House vote
Texas Republicans, Democrats and immigrant advocacy groups blast Biden’s asylum executive order
New policy suspends asylum claims for most migrants entering the U.S. unlawfully
Biden announces order limiting asylum at the southern border: Here’s what it will do
Speaker Johnson says Biden’s expected border executive order ‘too little too late’
Biden prepares a tough executive order that would shut down asylum after 2,500 migrants arrive a day
Meet the North Koreans who haven't been able to return home in over 70 years
Panthers win their 1st Stanley Cup, top Oilers in Game 7 to avoid historic collapse
Whataburger sues North Carolina mom-and-pop What-A-Burger #13 over name
Are you better off than you were four years ago? It can be a murky picture for many
US couple 'walked for hours' before dying in Hajj heat
Egypt orders to revoke licenses from Hajj tourism companies over illegal pilgrimages amid reports of hundreds of deaths
Hajj death toll tops 1,000 after extreme heat
Diplomats say at least 550 pilgrims died during hajj, mostly Egyptians
14 pilgrims die from sunstroke as Eid al-Adha celebrations begin for Muslims
Gaza war hangs over hajj as pilgrims flock to Mecca
Forgot where you put the keys? Experts (and a trivia buff) share tips to boost memory
Your gut microbes may influence how you handle stress
This time last year, Hollywood writers were on strike. Now, many can’t find work
Is Delaying Menopause the Key to Longevity?
Hormones for menopause are safe, study finds. Here's what changed
人幣逼近7.3 創逾7個月低
香港迪士尼樂園去年收入增長156% 本地入場人次創歷史新
國際|2024最佳航空公司排名 國泰航空排第5兼奪最清潔航空、最佳經濟客艙
U.S. Olympic track and field trials: Athing Mu won't defend her 800 meters gold after stunning fall
Russia has seen two major terror attacks in just three months. Here’s what we know
Gunmen kill 15 police officers and several civilians in Russia's southern Dagestan region
Russian region of Dagestan holds a day of mourning after attacks kill 19 people

Monday, June 24, 2024

After being accused of stealing AirPods in high school, a woman files a federal civil rights lawsuit
American Airlines CEO aims to 'rebuild trust' after Black men removed from flight
Black workers sue General Mills over alleged racial discrimination at a Georgia plant
The NAACP calls on American Airlines to investigate recent discrimination incidents
American Airlines faces a discrimination suit after removing 8 Black men from flight
The national debt is ballooning. The next president probably won’t stop it.
As voters suffer presidential election deja vu, Chase Oliver wants to be another option
Vice presidents can make or break a candidate. Here's how Trump is choosing
6 things Trump says at his rallies and what they really mean
Donald Trump Airport? Trump on the $500 bill? Republicans can't stop honoring ex-president
Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact checks have trouble keeping up.
網傳拜登呆滯影片 白宮斥:移花接木
Biden’s Stimulus Juiced the Economy, but Its Political Effects Are Muddled
How 2 unexpected wars are defining Biden's presidency
Dali cargo ship leaves Baltimore for Virginia, nearly 3 months after bridge collapse
The Dali cargo ship leaves Baltimore for Virginia as 8 crew members stuck on board for months are finally home
Controlled demolition planned at Baltimore bridge collapse site
Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse
The ship that struck the Key Bridge had electrical problems in port, the NTSB says
Cargo ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse had power blackouts hours before leaving port
Baltimore bridge to be blown apart to free stricken ship
Body of the final Baltimore bridge collapse victim recovered in river, officials say
Bridge projects across U.S. offer clues to what may replace Baltimore's fallen span
Who will pay to replace Baltimore's Key Bridge? The legal battle has already begun
Body of fifth victim recovered from truck in Key Bridge wreckage
Baltimore takes first steps to sue owners of Dali
Measuring The Economic Impact Of Baltimore's Port Closure
FBI agents are searching the ship that crashed into Baltimore's Key Bridge
FBI opens criminal investigation into Baltimore bridge collapse, AP source says
'We got workers in the water': Audio reveals new details of Baltimore bridge rescue
Baltimore bridge collapse has put the spotlight on Maryland's young Black governor
Investigators Search For Answers in Baltimore Bridge Collapse
From longshoremen to charter boats, Baltimore's port closure means lost work
Clearing Baltimore's shipping channel won't be easy, will take at least weeks
'A generous man': Baltimore bridge worker helped family, community in Honduras
Cranes arriving to start removing wreckage from deadly Baltimore bridge collapse
The biggest crane on the East Coast is coming to help lift up to 4,000 tons of a Baltimore bridge dangling from a cargo ship
Baltimore bridge collapse is port's version of a global pandemic
Some foreign-made cars might be delayed as auto companies figure out port deliveries
For Baltimore-area residents, bridge collapse means longer commutes and uncertain prospects
What we know about the Baltimore bridge collapse
Baltimore Key Bridge collapse live updates: 2 bodies recovered; NTSB to interview cargo ship pilots today
Baltimore’s Key Bridge rebuild could take a decade, analysts say
Baltimore Key Bridge collapse latest updates: 6 workers presumed dead as recovery efforts resume
Loss of ship's power and stiff current may have led to bridge collision, experts say
The Baltimore bridge collapse gave conspiracy theorists a chance to boost themselves
What we know and don't know about Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse
The Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore collapses, 6 feared dead
Baltimore's bridge collapse is expected to disrupt supply chains
Baltimore's Key Bridge was built in the '70s, but has a deep and patriotic history
Bridge Collapse Victims Were Workers Supporting Families, Co-Worker Says
Baltimore Key Bridge collapse latest updates: 6 workers presumed dead as recovery efforts resume
The Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore collapses after a ship crashed into it
Photos: Baltimore Key bridge collapses; Search and rescue efforts continue
Baltimore Key Bridge collapse live updates: At least 6 people missing as officials say ship made 'Mayday' call before crash
Photos: Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse
Visitors flock to celebrate birthday of the elderly Herman the Sturgeon
US Forest Service proposes protections for old-growth trees, without an outright logging ban
Here's how AI is transforming Disney, Spotify, and TikTok
Bill Gates is going nuclear: How his latest project could power U.S. homes and AI
Three years after condo collapsed in Surfside, what do we know?
Financial sextortion most often targets teen boys via Instagram, according to new data
How Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta Failed Children on Safety
Inside Snapchat’s Teen Opioid Crisis
A landmark New York bill would restrict social media for children. Here's what to know
McDonald’s pulls AI ordering from drive-thrus — for now
If AI is so good, why are there still so many jobs for translators?
McDonald’s just fired its drive-thru AI and is turning to humans instead
He has cancer — so he made an AI version of himself for his wife after he dies
Why G7 leaders are turning to a special guest — Pope Francis — for advice on AI
Drone responding to 911 emergency calls in Redmond
Social media is heating up over why Asians don’t have body odor
Education should include the two forms of work, manual and intellectual. - Maria Montessori
Flooding causes Rapidan Dam in southern Minnesota to fail; nearby residents urged to evacuate
Republicans will again try to slash defense secretary’s salary to $1
Wall St Journal’s Selina Cheng takes helm at Journalists Assoc. as 2 committee nominees seek withdrawal
不明訊息稱明記協大會被監視 鄧炳強質疑記協換屆參選人履歷 稱有人「收美國的錢」
Netanyahu claims Israel saw ‘dramatic drop’ in US arms shipments
Intense fighting in Rafah near end, says Netanyahu
New video shows bloodied Israeli hostages taken in pickup to Gaza
Netanyahu says he will only accept a partial cease-fire deal that would not end the war
Netanyahu says Israel is winding down its Gaza operations. But he warns a Lebanon war could be next
More than 50 people killed or missing in Israeli strikes on central Gaza, local officials say
At least 39 people killed in Israeli strikes across northern Gaza, officials say
Netanyahu says he won't agree to a deal that ends the war in Gaza, testing the latest truce proposal
IDF spokesman says Hamas can't be defeated, clashing with Netanyahu
Israeli military suggests Netanyahu misleading people about Hamas war
Israel's pledge to guard an aid route into Gaza falls flat as lawlessness blocks distribution
Israeli military official says Hamas cannot be destroyed, as rift with Netanyahu widens
Netanyahu and White House continue public disagreement over claim US withholding weapons amid Israel's war with Hamas
US deeply disappointed over Netanyahu's criticisms
Rifts seem to appear between Israel's political and military leadership over conduct of the Gaza war
Freed Israeli hostage says she was held in Gaza hospital, civilian homes
Gaza conflict has caused major environmental damage, UN says
'I don't believe in peace now,' released Gaza hostage tells BBC
UN says lawlessness in Gaza impedes aid via Kerem Shalom despite Israel's military pause
U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing, and Could Be Dismantled Early
UN officials accuse Israel of attempting 'extermination' of Palestinians in Gaza
Biden administration strongly denies Netanyahu's claim US is blocking arms shipments amid war with Hamas
Gazan families mourn children who were killed during the IDF’s hostage rescue
Blinken confirms US is still pausing a shipment of heavy bombs to Israel as Netanyahu increases pressure on admin
Israeli forces deepen Rafah invasion, kill 17 in central camps
After Delay, Top Democrats in Congress Sign Off on Sale of F-15 Jets to Israel
Israeli forces advance deeper into Rafah as diplomacy falters
Blinken casts doubt on swift resolution to Israel-Hamas ceasefire talks
Can the U.S. force a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas?
Ceasefire talks in turmoil as Hamas responds to proposal
UN inquiry says Israel and Hamas have both committed war crimes since October 7
Israel used a U.S.-made bomb in a deadly U.N. school strike in Gaza
The U.N. Security Council endorses U.S. cease-fire plan to end the war in Gaza
UN says Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups may have committed war crimes in a deadly raid
Israel vows to press on in Gaza after UN Security Council approves ceasefire proposal
'Ultimate surprise': How an Israeli raid freed 4 hostages and killed scores of Palestinians in Gaza
Biden admin has discussed potentially negotiating unilateral deal with Hamas to free U.S. hostages
Israel rescues 4 hostages in attacks that kill over 270 Palestinians
Benny Gantz resigns as Israeli war cabinet member
What does Israel's rescue of 4 captives, and the killing of 274 Palestinians, mean for truce talks?
US military’s Gaza pier has been repaired and reattached to beach
Israel’s Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on July 24
Israeli forces batter central, south Gaza as tanks advance in Rafah
Tens of thousands of Israeli nationalists march for Jerusalem Day
A covert Israeli online influence campaign tried to sway American lawmakers
Israeli strike kills at least 33 people at a Gaza school the military claims was being used by Hamas
War in Gaza intensifies as Israeli nationalists march in Jerusalem
‘This ain’t the same sun’: Extreme heat is changing summertime for kids in the South
Why some scientists think extreme heat could be the reason people keep disappearing in Greece
Without food or toys, a Gaza family tries to survive
Heads of churches say Israeli government is demanding they pay property tax, upsetting status quo
Fed's favorite inflation reading highlights last week of Q2: What to know this week
Latest inflation data provides potential for 'even greater upside' in the stock market rally
The Fed holds rates steady, sees only one rate cut in 2024 as inflation cools slowly
A strong dollar is great news for most of us — but not everybody is a winner
Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming back to life
High Interest Rates Are Hitting Poorer Americans the Hardest
Apple may face a mammoth fine after the EU said it violated competition rules
Apple just made your app obsolete? You've been 'Sherlocked'
Apple doubles down on artificial intelligence, announcing partnership with OpenAI
Yes, Apple's new iPad ad is ugly and crushing, but art can't be flattened
Apple apologizes for its controversial iPad Pro ad
蘋果廣告引日本網民不滿 質疑是對創作者及工具的侮辱
The iPad lost. Smartphones won.
Apple shows its steepest quarterly decline in iPhone sales since pandemic's outset
Apple Says It Was Ordered to Pull WhatsApp From China App Store
iPhone sales are plunging. Here’s why
Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records show
A Roman beach destroyed by Mount Vesuvius is open to the public for the first time
'Inside Out 2' scores $100 million in its second weekend, setting records
What 'Inside Out 2' got right about anxiety, per a psychologist
Super fluffy 8-year-old Pekingese Wild Thang wins 2024 World's Ugliest Dog contest
Inside the Chinese-funded and staffed marijuana farms springing up across the U.S.
The Connection Between Chinese Money and Labor and U.S.-Grown Marijuana
Flanked by Fat Joe, Harris urges DEA to 'get to it' on its marijuana review
Delta-8, an unregulated form of THC, is popular among high school students
Healey announces sweeping pardons for simple possession of cannabis
Democrats urge Biden administration to deschedule marijuana
Biden expands pardons for marijuana possession and grants clemency to 11
A Florida family is suing NASA after a piece of space debris crashed through their home
Extreme heat means nights are getting warmer — and it's bad for your sleep
Join Life Kit on a journey to improve your sleep
Pittsburgh's Jewish community begins 'new chapter' with groundbreaking of new Tree of Life building
Deadly methanol-laced bootleg liquor kills dozens in South India
加拿大駐華大使訪新疆 批中國限制維吾爾語教育 強行送兒童入寄宿學校 中方:老調重彈、指手畫腳
研究指新疆大量修改村名 刪維吾爾字眼 以「和諧」、「團結」取
越南Pho大戰香港牛腩河 網民熱論牛腩河未能衝出亞洲之4大原因
Rude or just recording? The internet is heated over wedding guests' cellphone faux pas


10-mile backups, 2-hour delays expected on a local stretch of I-5 next week

Friday, June 21, 2024

‘My body can’t take it’: Brutal nighttime temperatures give Delhi residents little respite from India’s searing heatwave
What it's like living through a 121 degree day
Festival of the Arts
Bike Summer 2024
Festival of Balloons.
6th Annual Edgefield Brewfest
Oregon Midsummer Festival
Oregon Bigfoot Festival and Beyond
10 Street Fairs to Check Out in Portland This Summer
Summer Events Guide 2024: More than 50 fairs, festivals, rodeos, and other fun events
Summer 2024 Concert/Performance Schedule
Summer 2024 Movies Schedule Movie Events start at 7:30pm. Movie screenings begin at dusk and/or
Stock market today: Asian shares mostly decline as Nvidia weighs on Wall Street
The Taylor Swift Economy Has Landed in Europe
FAA investigating after Southwest Airlines plane descended dangerously low on airport approach
Safety investigators want more technology to prevent close calls on runways
Biden signs sweeping aviation safety, reform bill into law
With flyers more distracted than ever, United rolls out a rebooted safety video
FAA bill would force the agency to craft 'real world' rules for airplane evacuations
Senate passes FAA reauthorization bill, sending legislation to the House
Chimpanzees seen self-medicating with healing plants when sick or injured
Almost 70 Democrats call for opening pathways to Palestinian refugees
In Gaza, months of war have left Palestinians with barely the necessities to survive
A family fled Rafah as the war closed in. Now they're living in a bombed-out school
In Gaza, Palestinians return to a shelter scarred by war
Gaza mothers search for milk as malnutrition hits
Armenia formally recognizes a Palestinian state as children in Gaza suffer from malnutrition
Australia's prime minister condemns vandalism of U.S. Consulate over war in Gaza
Maldives will ban Israelis from entering the country over the war in Gaza
Chile joins developing nations rallying behind genocide case against Israel at international court
Colombia's president says country will break diplomatic relations with Israel over war in Gaza
Rep. Ilhan Omar works to fend off a second challenge from fellow Democrat Don Samuels
A journalist shot by police while covering the 2020 protests is dying of her injuries
Asteroid headed toward Earth? NASA simulation explores how the nation might respond
U.S. goes after Mexican cartel leaders' drug profits in fight against fentanyl
Gangs mix another potent sedative into U.S. street drugs causing 'mass overdoses'
Counterfeit fentanyl pills are becoming a lot more common in law enforcement seizures
Report: China continues to subsidize deadly fentanyl exports
‘More than one per day’: Multnomah County report shows spike in fentanyl overdose deaths
In a decade of drug overdoses, more than 320,000 American children lost a parent
After uproar over ethics, new 'Washington Post' editor won't take the job
New 'Washington Post' chiefs can’t shake their past in London
'Washington Post' publisher tried to kill a story about allegations against him. It wasn’t the first time.
New CEO of 'The Washington Post' puts former colleagues in power
The EPA's new limits on PFAS in drinking water face legal challenges
Workers sue Disney claiming they were fraudulently induced to move to Florida from California
Disney told L.A. residents to move to Florida for a planned campus. They did, it was canceled and now they're suing
The Supreme Court rejects a settlement in a water dispute between New Mexico and Texas
Researchers have found a ‘clear genetic trigger for obesity’ that applies to some people
Prevention task force recommends intensive counseling for kids with obesity
‘Grolar’ hybrid of grizzlies and polar bears remains rare in wild, study finds
Gen Z are increasingly becoming NEETs by choice—not in employment, education, or training
Trump raised so much last month he erased Biden’s cash advantage
A data tool being used to challenge voter registrations is raising many concerns
Biden campaign announces $50M ad campaign aiming to strike a contrast with Trump's hush money conviction
Biden vs. Trump remains close, so next week's debate offers them an opportunity
Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test, but confuses name of doctor who tested him
When a Trump rally T-shirt is more than just a shirt
It's easy to believe young voters could back Trump at young conservative conference
If Everyone Voted, Would Biden Benefit? Not Anymore.
1 in 10 eligible U.S. voters say they can’t easily show proof of their citizenship
Advocacy group finds one-fifth of Latino voters leaning towards third-party presidential candidates
Supreme Court upholds federal gun ban for domestic abusers
Supreme Court upholds law banning domestic abusers from owning guns
What's next up for the Supreme Court? Abortion rights, gun laws and more
One of world’s rarest cats no longer endangered

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Walmart is shifting to digital prices at its 2,300 stores
A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels
The Supreme Court leaves a Trump-era offshore tax in place on investors
Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom
What Colombia can teach Chicago about managing a migrant wave
Centuries-old cherries were found at George Washington's home. What can they tell us?

Happy summer solstice!

Summer officially arrives with the earliest solstice in more than 2 centuries
What will marriage look like in the future?
2 climate activists were arrested after spraying orange paint on Stonehenge
Hiker rescued from California mountains after paralyzing bite
Play Swim and Free Swim Schedule
Swimming Pools and Lessons
A rare, deadly bacterial infection is on the rise in Japan. What is STSS?
回報好過股票黃金債券 炒絕版Lego兩年勁賺400萬
不似預期|撤辣後湧港買樓 內地客表示後悔了 驚覺「以租養貸」只是夢一場
奈良公園「騎鹿」短片瘋傳 網民先批評後道歉:沒想到可以那個姿勢坐
日本網友時隔五年再遊香港 同樣地方今非昔比 直言「好失望」
Expedia:港人去年放假日數全球第二多 僅次於法國

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Much Ado About First Folios — the world's largest Shakespeare collection reopens
The doubters are just dreamers with broken hearts. - Atticus
Witness tells House Ethics Committee that Matt Gaetz paid her for sex: Sources
Juneteenth isn’t just a Black holiday. It’s for all Americans
Appreciating our enslaved ancestors despite the relics of the Confederacy
The Juneteenth flag is full of symbols. Here’s what they mean
Understand & Celebrate: Juneteenth
Summer solstice 2024: When is the 1st day of summer?
Summer solstice 2024: When is the solstice, why does it happen, and how do cultures celebrate?
Gigantic sunfish that washed up on Oregon beach could be the largest of its species ever found
Some say Maryland’s mass marijuana pardons don’t go far enough
Legalized Weed Is Landing More Seniors in the ER
US unveils proposal to ease restrictions on marijuana
What marijuana reclassification means for the United States
US drug control agency will move to reclassify marijuana in a historic shift, AP sources say
台灣立法院覆審「國會改革法」 公民重返現場集結
工廠倒閉潮|泰國工廠爆倒閉潮 平均每月近百間執笠 業界歸咎中國商品低價傾銷
Texas doctor charged with taking private patient information on transgender care
Home prices begin to come down in pandemic boomtowns like Austin, Tampa

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

More Oregon semiconductor companies get state grants
Biden Highlights Trump’s Foxconn Failure With Wisconsin Trip
Biden is giving $6 billion to Micron for a semiconductor project in upstate New York
Schumer says US will provide $6.1 billion to Micron Technology for chip plants in NY, Idaho
Samsung gets $6.4 billion to build massive semiconductor plants in central Texas
First-of-its-kind medical school in Cherokee Nation graduates inaugural class of doctors
Five-mile stretch of Interstate 84 in Portland to close overnight next month for extensive graffiti, litter removal
Daughters Who See Their Dad Doing Chores Aspire to Less Stereotypically Female Careers
Vancouver ‘gnome trail’ gets unofficial nod of approval
Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO, Just Gave Caltech Grads Great Advice--and a Good Taylor Swift PunSpeaking at the
Full body scans miss the mark when it comes to improving U.S. disease prevention
Galveston was home to the first Juneteenth. Here's how it'll celebrate this year
There is no coming to consciousness without pain. - Carl Jung

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters area seared with scars. - Khalil Gibran

Attachment is the root of all suffering. - Buddha
Disney trips lead to debt for almost 50% of parents with young children, study finds
US Supreme Court refuses to take up challenge to Florida's online sports betting compact
Nothing is more terrible than to see ignorance in action. - Goethe
BNSF Railway ordered to pay $395 million after years of trespassing on Swinomish land
Judge orders railway to pay Washington tribe nearly $400 million for trespassing with oil trains
How the Taliban adds to Afghanistan's woes when it comes to climate-fueled disasters
Flash floods have killed more than 300 people in Afghanistan
"Mysterious" monolith appears in Nevada desert, police say
Every day, in a hundred small ways our children ask:
Do you hear me?
Do you see me?
Do I matter?
Their behavior often reflects our response. - L.R. Knost